indian roommates in Los Angeles

Indian Roommates In Los Angeles: The Culture Clash

There is a unique and growing trend in Los Angeles of young Indian professionals sharing apartments. The significant number of Indian professionals working in LA is a major factor in conjunction with the high cost of living that contributes to this trend.

Though there are many pros to living with Indian roommates in Los Angeles, there can also be some challenges. For example, it can be difficult to find compatible roommates, and sometimes there is tension if people have different lifestyles or priorities.

Despite these challenges, many Indians are finding that sharing an apartment is the best way to afford to live in LA. The close-knit community of Indian professionals in LA makes it easy to find compatible roommates, and the shared sense of culture and identity often helps create a strong bond among roommates.

Culture Clash: Differences between Indian and American culture

indian and american culture concepts

Indian and American cultures differ in numerous ways. Their communication approach is one of the most remarkable. Indians typically use more indirect forms of communication, such as through gestures and body language.

Conversely, Americans tend to communicate in a straightforward manner and anticipate the same from others. Misunderstandings and conflict may arise during interactions between the two cultures.

Another difference is in their concept of time. Indians often view time as fluid, while Americans see it as more linear. Negotiations between Indians and Americans can result in conflicts due to differing preferences for time management. While Americans may prioritize sticking to a schedule and completing tasks quickly, Indians may prefer taking more time to calmly discuss matters.

The Indian and American cultures also have different views on hierarchy and authority.

The perspectives on hierarchy and authority vary between India and the United States, which is among the several cultural distinctions. Police officers and teachers are usually regarded with respect by individuals in America, as they are considered to be in positions of authority.

In India, hierarchy holds greater significance, and individuals are usually instructed to exhibit reverence towards those who are senior or hold a higher position in the social order. This difference in values can often lead to misunderstandings and conflict.


In Indian households, conflicts often arise due to differences in food preferences. While many Indians follow strict dietary restrictions, others are more relaxed with their eating habits. This can lead to tension and arguments between family members.

Some of the most common food-related conflicts in Indian families revolve around eating meat. The majority of India’s population, who are Hindus, typically avoid meat and poultry and follow a vegetarian diet. Many Muslims, who account for a significant minority in India, do eat meat. This can lead to disagreements between family members who have different dietary restrictions.

Another source of conflict over food is allergies and sensitivities. It can be challenging for Indians to find suitable foods due to lactose intolerance or gluten allergy affecting many of them. When family members don’t accommodate these dietary restrictions, it can lead to arguments.


holiday card in sand

Another potential source of conflict is holiday celebrations. Diwali is celebrated by Indians to remember the triumph of good over evil, while Eid al-Fitr is observed by Muslims to signify the conclusion of Ramadan.

These holidays often involve fireworks and special foods, which can lead to disagreements if one group feels that their celebration is being ignored or disrespected.


The presence of religion in society can bring people of diverse faiths together, fostering collaboration and empathy. On the other hand, Indians’ religious customs and beliefs may lead to conflict when they contradict those of others.

In India, there are many different religions practiced, and this often leads to tension and violence. For example, in 1992, a Hindu mob destroyed the Babri Mosque in the city of Ayodhya, an act that was motivated by religious hatred. Since then, there have been numerous riots and killings between Hindus and Muslims in India.


language of roommates

Communication and understanding can be hindered by language as well. The use of language is crucial in communication as it enables the transmission of messages and their intended significance. On the other hand, language can pose a hindrance to effective communication and comprehension since it is challenging to articulate thoughts precisely in a foreign language.

Furthermore, various languages can contain unique words or phrases that lack counterparts in alternative languages. It can pose a challenge for individuals who speak diverse languages to comprehend one another.

In conclusion, Indian roommates in Los Angeles can be a cultural clash. Living with someone from a different culture requires taking into account various factors, including their religion, dietary preferences, and traditions.

Showing respect towards one another and gaining knowledge about their respective cultures is crucial. Creating a harmonious living environment and gaining knowledge about the world can be achieved through this action.

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